
Showing posts from July, 2021

3 levels of thinking.

Generally, there are 3 levels of thinking. Let's start with the... Level 1 - Overthinking It means that you think a lot and take fewer actions. You plan for "Perfection" And you’re afraid to make the wrong move… So you keep evaluating. Which holds you back to take action. So if you are of them then, ask yourself… where am I actually overthinking a lot? Now coming to the... Level 2 - Thinking in the Wrong direction What does it actually mean..? Let's take an example... If you are new to a business. What should be your MAIN focus..? Getting clients… Focusing more on your marketing and sales strategy… Getting results for your clients…etc. Right..? But if you’re more focused on things like… What colour should I use for my brand… How do I outsource some work to others…etc Then you’re focusing on the wrong places. Now I’m not saying those things are not important… You might still need to consider those points... But they’re not the MAIN focus! Make sense? So that is thi...

7 Powerful ways to master SELF-DISCIPLINE

7 Powerful ways to master SELF-DISCIPLINE 1.Wake on time 2.Avoid temptation 3.Find trusted coaches or mentors 4.create new habits and rituals deadlines 6.Know your strengths and weakness 7.Exercise daily


  Navigation Navigator.push(     context,     MaterialPAgeRoute(builder:(context) => SecondRoute()). ); Navigator.pop(context);

Flutter widgets

Text row, column Container Stack BoxDecoration, TextStyle, Padding, SizeBox ListView, GridView, SingleChildScrollView Expanded, Flex InkWell, GestureDetector Stateless widgets Stateless widgets never change Ex: icon, container, text Stateful widgets if a widget can change, when the user interacts with it,  its's stateful  it's dynamic widget's state is stored in a state object Ex: Checkbox, radio , slider, Form , TextField Navigation Navigator.push(     context,     MaterialPAgeRoute(builder:(context) => SecondRoute()). ); Navigator.pop(context);


 A terse , strongly typed, object-oriented language. Why Dart? Performance in development and in production supports both JIT and AOT compilation Just-in-time code is continuously recompiled directly on the device, allowing hot reload. Ahead-of-time the code your app uses is compiled directly to native code, leading to fast startup and predictable performance.   

Responsive UI

Use the mediaQuery.of() method in your build functions AspectRatio CustomSingleChildLayout CustomMultiChildLayout FittedBox FractionallySizeBox LayoutBuilder MediaQuery MediaQueryData OrientationBuilder Animation Tween animation Defined beginning and ending pointer, timeline, and a curve. physics-based animation motion is modeled to resemble real-world behaviour.

Upload flutter project to gitHub

  git --version   this is for check version of git git config --global "yourGit username"  here you need to insert your git username git config --global "yourGit email"   here you need to insert your git email address git init git add .  git commit -m "my commit title" git remote add origin gitRepositoryLink git push -u origin master --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd commit --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- git status git add . git commit -m "your commit title" git push