Using cansus data, let's use several traits of an individual to estimate what income class they belong to (>50k or <=50k). here with cansus data's drive link. Q1) what is the advantage of using TensorFlow? the main advantage is TensorFlow offers high-level APIs. In this case we will use estimator API to create Classifier (linearClassifier). in census_data .csv keep age, workclass, Final-weight, education,education-num,Marital-Status,occupation,relationship,race,sex,capital-Gain,Capital-loss,hours-per-week,native-country,class class coloum is our target let's build a model read the census_data.csv using the pandas library. import pandas as pd census = pd.read_csv ( "/content/census_data.csv" ) cheak and view census_data.csv head/1st row ,using head() function. census.head () more... My_income-class-prediction-using-tenso...